
Panel discussion

Panel of therapy specialists discusses the methods and impact of adhrence in critcial conditions of asthama, epilepsy etc. Dr. Sarita Bajaj talks about a patient centric approach for adherence through a framework EASE: Empathetic approach, Ailment for disease management, Supportive care for symptomatic treatment, Emotional wellbeing and effective patient education. Speakers Dr. Shyam Sundar Dr.…


Dr.Shashank Joshi sets the context of how its important to move from treating diseases to treating people. He introduces the speaker and expert panel Speakers Dr. Shashank Joshi

Panel Discussion

Panel of specialists discusses the reasons of low adherence in their therapies, how app and AI technologies can bring a change in the current scenario, the role of healthcare professionals, caregivers and lifestyle coach in compliance and the overall societal impact of non adherence. A dialogue between doctors and pharmacists, more of a therapeutic alliance…

Session: Improving medication adherence with motivational interviewing – example of a heart failure patient

Cardiovascular diseases are a perfect example of a chronic disease where motivational tools can improve adherence. For example, one in seven heart attack patients stop taking prescribed treatment one-month after receiving a stent which improves blood flow to the heart1,2. Understanding aspects of behavioral science, including Prochaska and Di Clemente’s Stages of Change Model, can help…