
Behavioral Science and Menopause

Learn about approaches to help encourage adherence to treatment. In this masterclass Professor John Weinman will explore the impact of menopause on women’s behavior and adherence to treatment. The masterclass provides an introduction to behavioral frameworks to help understand adherence, and supports healthcare professionals to manage medication adherence with women going through menopause.  Read more…

Improve your patients’ medication adherence with digital tools and behavioral science

In this masterclass, Professor John Piette will introduce the my a:care motivational solution while Professor Kevin Dolgin will talk about SPUR, a new holistic tool for patient behavior analysis and non-adherence measuring. John Piette will highlight how my a:care, a mobile application, activates the patient’s motivation to keep healthy habits including self-monitoring and staying on…

What is medication adherence? And how can behavioral science help understand it?

Defining adherence from a scientific standpoint. Led by Dr Kate Wolin, this masterclass serves as an introduction to adherence – defining it from a scientific standpoint. It highlights the scale of non-adherence and the true cost to patients, public health and society as a whole. Dr. Wolin will present the most common behavioral drivers of…

Behavioral science and pandemic management

Behavioral science perspective on pandemic outbreak management. This masterclass covers the management of the pandemic from a behavioral science perspective. It looks into the importance of continued adherence during a global pandemic and how to change behavior at short notice.  Read more on this topic: Pandemic outbreak management: a behavioral science perspective Is nudging enough…

How healthcare providers can address non-adherence

Learn techniques on assessing current adherence and “nudging” patients to be more adherent In this masterclass, Dr Sheri Pruitt will talk about a powerful, evidence-based approach to change patient behavior.  The masterclass will provide tools for healthcare providers to use in order to assess their patients’ current adherence to medication, and how to address it. …

Digitalization and the role of innovation

Latest developments in digital patient support programs, and how they can positively influence adherence. In this masterclass, Professor John Piette provides insight on the latest developments in digital patient support programs (PSP), demonstrating how they can positively influence adherence in patients.  Prof. John Piette will cover mobile health and why it matters, as well as…

Behavioral frameworks for understanding patient adherence

Insight on behavioral frameworks that can be used to explain adherence. Led by Professor John Weinman, this masterclass aims to provide insight into the different behavioral frameworks that can be used to explain adherence. These frameworks include : The patient behavioral decision-making framework, also known as COM-B (capability, opportunity and motivation) The Health Belief Model…